Saturday, January 12, 2013

White Rock Lake

Ahhhhh, White Rock Lake. A peaceful oasis near the urban core of Dallas. It's vast. It's beautiful. What is not to love?

Calm and expansive.

This picture (unlike most of the others) was before winter, so you get a little taste of green

Here is Winfrey Point, the famous piece of prarie land that was being considered for the Dallas Arboretum's expanded parking needs. This brought on considerable outcry, protest, and even a lawsuit against the city in order to preserve this piece of White Rock Lake Park. Luckily, the Arboretum has dropped all plans to park on (or around?) Winfrey Point, and the lawsuit has been dropped.

On the east side of the lake (along E. Lawther) looking across the lake.

Coming from the parking lot at Winsted Dr. and Garland Rd., this path goes next to the spillway and hooks around to the White Rock Pump Station.

Little clearing in the winter time.

Nice tag on the ground.

The White Rock Pump Station is a designated landmark structure, which I interpret as meaning it's a historic building that has some protection from being torn down. 

I spoke with a construction worker next to the Pump Station who said they were in the middle of renovating it (indeed they were, as I saw the cranes doing their business on the other side). He said the building is still operating and helping maintain the water levels.