Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Trolley Expansion & Arts District

The McKinney Avenue Transit Authority (MATA), also known as the "M-Line" or simple the "McKinney Avenue Trolley", is a nonprofit that maintains and runs a collection of historic trolleys through the affluent Uptown neighborhood. After Dallas' trolley system was done away with in the mid-Twentieth Century, these trolleys were restored and put back to work in 1989 on uncovered trolley lines along McKinney Avenue. It should be noted that the trolleys are 100% free (although donations are accepted), and they operate 365 days a year.

The M-Line runs from Uptown to the northern edge of Downtown, stopping at St. Paul and Ross Ave. (behind the Dallas Museum of Art). Since the opening of the Klyde Warren Park in the Arts District, construction has begun in order to expand the trolley line to create a loop. The expansion will bring the trolley further south along St. Paul, turning on Federal St., and then looping north along Olive St. and back up to McKinney Ave. This will bring the trolley further into Downtown (within sight of the DART rail), through the heart of the Arts District, and through the middle of Klyde Warren Park.

The trolley expansion will happen in two phases, the first of which will open sometime in 2013. Although the first phase will only be a section of the proposed loop, it will bring the trolley down Olive St. through the middle of the park and Arts District. Here is a map from MATA's website which makes it all clear: Trolley Map (including expansions).

Seeing the trolley pass by the Dallas Museum of Art and Nasher will also add intrigue to the Arts District. Currently, people go to a museum or performance in the Arts District and then promptly hop in their cars and head home. Why? Like much of Downtown, there hasn't been anything else to do--no pedestrian-friendly activity and no desirable restaurants or retail. Now that the trolley line will be running through, coupled with Klyde Warren Park, and there's a chance the Arts District will become more of place to roam rather than a "pit stop" for the arts. Add in the fact that the Dallas Museum of Art will be permanently free as of January 21, 2013, and I'm starting to wonder if the Arts District could become a more lively place.

The adorable McKinney Avenue Trolley heading north on St. Paul.

Looking at Olive St., which divides Klyde Warren Park...this is where the McKinney Avenue Trolley will run through in 2013. 

Facing the Klyde Warren Park along Olive St., you can see that the trolley lines have already been completed.

The trolley line mostly complete on Olive St. between Ross Ave. and San Jacinto St. 

On Olive St. between San Jacinto St. and Federal St..

The first phase of trolley line expansion will stop here at Federal St. You can see that it's just one street over from Bryan, where the DART rail runs (in the background). Easy walking distance!