Sunday, October 14, 2012

Junius Heights

Junius Heights is a historic district in East Dallas. The neighborhood's website ( says it obtained designation as a historic district in May, 2005, which makes it the newest historic district in Dallas. It not only claims to be the largest historic district in Dallas, it also boasts having the largest collection of Arts & Crafts/Craftsman homes in the southwest.

I've only lived in Junius Heights for a few months, but have already found it to be a quiet neighborhood with a decent sense of community. Many of the homes are beautifully renovated with well-manicured landscaping. Some homes are in disrepair, and there is a smattering of homes/apartments that stick out from the unified historic appearance, having been altered or built before the historic designation. Still, and without being too stuck up about things, it's a beautiful neighborhood with lots of character.

A close friend grew up in this neighborhood in the 1980s and said the area used to be plagued by crime. Another friend who lives a few blocks away in the Munger Place neighborhood confirmed this. He said 15 or 20 years ago, gunshots were a regular occurrence on the weekends.

East Dallas remains a strange animal. Affluent, historic homes and poverty-stricken properties co-exist. While most of these two populations are tolerant of each other, the cultures can still come across as largely segregated. 

Cute 8-plex from the 1930s-ish era.

I don't think I saw a single Romney/Ryan sign in Junius Heights during the election.

Beautiful houses with big porches abound

At Junius and Henderson, in the middle of the residential area, there's an old building with cute storefronts. The Garden Cafe boasts a large garden in the back from which they get some of their ingredients.