Monday, July 30, 2012

Sights around the Design District

While we were creeping around the Design District and soaking up the art, I couldn't help but notice the intriguing atmosphere of the neighborhood...

This was a wild discovery. Near the Dallas Contemporary, on the outskirts of the Design District, was this building... which was more like the shell of a building. You could see straight through where the doorways and windows used to be. I stepped inside one of the doorways, and there was a cute entryway with a full-grown tree. It seemed strangely desolate but undeniably attractive.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gallery Day in the Design District

Yesterday my wife and I made it over to the Design District - one of Dallas' most unique neighborhoods. The Design District is only a few blocks, yet it's packed to the brim with contemporary art galleries, unique home furnishing & rennovation stores, and a few very creative restaurants.

The art galleries in the Design District are a well-oiled machine. They often partner with each other to showcase their opening receptions on the same night so that patrons can walk from one gallery to another and make a night of it. Every time I've been to their opening receptions, the galleries have been teeming with people.

Gallery Day was more of a relaxed pace than the opening reception nights, but there was still a good crowd out. I saw some of my old favorites like Craighead Green Gallery, Conduit, and PDNB, and experienced some new galleries like Circuit 12 Contemporary, Red Arrow Contemporary, and the huge warehouse space of the Dallas Contemporary. Here are just a few pics from the impressive showing:

Red Arrow Contemporary

Red Arrow Contemporary

Holly Johnson Gallery

Conduit Gallery

Dallas Contemporary - this room had an eerie soundtrack and led to an enclave in the back which housed a black shed--pictured below

Dallas Contemporary

Dallas Contemporary

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Just a quick peek at a beautiful city I've been to a number of times:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Undermain Theatre in Deep Ellum

Earlier in the year I went to the Undermain Theatre in Deep Ellum for a play (Time In Kafka, it was excellent by the way), and the building wowed me. It's called 3200 Main, and houses not only the Undermain (in the basement), but also an architecture firm and many residential lofts. After the play I climbed the stairs and discovered a beautiful rooftop patio/lounge with a gorgeous view of downtown.

Please go support the Undermain and see some live theatre. Dallas is lucky to have such a great theatre company. And while you're there, enjoy the great setting.